
Quest to becoming more active with FitBit

Incase if you didn’t know, FitBit is a fitness device which is worn on your wrist either during the day or while sleeping. What it can do is track your steps and check your sleeping patterns. I’ve been wearing mine for only two weeks and so far it has given me the motivation to keep more active. I’m quite stubborn to try anything that requires a lot of effort especially knowing that it isn’t productive but after realising the average person should take 10,000 steps each day,  I decided to get an estimate of how many steps I take on any given day and to my surprise it was barely half of the amount of steps an “average” person take. I felt very embarrassed and weary about the prospect of me being very inactive and what it could mean for my health. I try to walk as much as I can now and whenever I can. Whether if it is waiting for a friend or waiting for an appointment.

Ignoring the price tag of the FitBit, it is a fairly useful product and i’ve never felt so motivated about walking or exercising. It has light indicators on the wrist band which indicates what progress are you making and it gives you the extra morale to wanting to fulfil that goal. But knowing the price tag it is an average fitness device which could  do with some improvements. Just in case you’re interested – I got my FitBit in the ‘Slate’ colour.